Angol.Net - BME nyelvvizsga, olvasott szöveg értése, középfok

Szövegkiegészítés - 3

BME angol középfok

Egészítsd ki a szöveget a megfelelő szavakkal. Minden szót csak egyszer használhatsz. A feladat százalékos értékelése eltér a nyelvvizsgán alkalmazottól, mert itt az is ér valamennyit, ha másodikra (vagy sokadikra) találod el a jó választ. Az összes helyes válasz megjelölése után megkapod, hogy hányat találtál el elsőre - a vizsgán csak ezt számolják! Csak akkor kattints az "Ellenőrzés" gombra, ha mindenhová kiválasztottad a megoldást. Ha nem hibátlan a megoldásod, újra próbálkozhatsz, amíg minden szó helyét meg nem találod.

A 16-year-old male from Novato, California has arrested in Tennessee over allegations he intended to hijack a commercial passenger airliner in the United States.
The boy, who was unnamed to his age, was a passenger board Southwest Airlines Flight 284 from Los Angeles to Nashville on Tuesday, with his parents reporting him at 11:30 am the same day. he remained calm throughout the flight and made no hijacking attempt, report he had handcuffs, duct tape and yarn the aircraft cabin with him. Although his arrest was only public on Friday, it reported that he was detained immediately on Nashville International Airport.
George Bolds, a spokesman the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said that the items were "suspicious" and that the boy informed the FBI he had intended to hijack the aircraft. An FBI agent told reporters that he felt the plot was ill-conceived, "His plan had a low probability success."
The FBI also conducted a search of his home on Thursday, in his room "a photograph of the inside of a small aircraft, you'd find in a bookstore."
Subsequent to his arrest he pled on Friday to a "delinquent act," to local officials. A juvenile court judge him to be returned to California for continued perusal of that charge as well as others set to be made.
from Wikinews

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Utolsó módosítás: 2009. 05. 17.